Користувацький вхід

Фізкультхвилинка на уроці англійської мови

  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:c40542e3694aa6855a361cde9ffe6119' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p>Physical activity at the English lessons of primary school</p>\n<p>It’s Fun<br />\nIt’s fun to be this,<br />\nIt’s fun to be that,<br />\nTo leap like a lamp,<br />\nTo climb like a cat,<br />\nTo swim like a fish,<br />\nTo hop like a frog,<br />\nTo trot like a horse,<br />\nTo jump like a dog.</p>\n<p>Hands on your knees!<br />\nPut them behind you<br />\nIf you please.</p>\n<p>Touch your shoulders!<br />\nTouch your nose!<br />\nTouch your ears!<br />\nTouch your toes!</p>\n<p>Raise your hands high in the air,<br />\nAt your sides, on your hair.<br />\nRaise your hands as before<br />\nWhile you clap: one, two, three, four</p>\n<p> Clap Your Hands<br />\nClap, clap, clap your hands,<br />\nClap your hands together. (Twice)<br />\n Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,<br />\n Stamp your feet together. (Twice)<br />\nSpin, spin, spin around,<br />\nSpin around together. (Twice)<br />\nMove, move, move your fingers,<br />\nMove your fingers together. (Twice)<br />\nDance, dance, dance a dance.<br />\nDance a dance together. (Twice)<br />\n Sing, sing, sing a song,<br />\n Sing a song together. (Twice)</p>\n<p>One, Two, Three…<br />\nOne, two, three, hop!<br />\nOne, two, three, stop!<br />\nStand up!<br />\nHands to the sides!<br />\nBend left!<br />\nBend right!<br />\nBend your head!<br />\nBend your knees!<br />\nCrow as tall<br />\nAs a New Year Tree!<br />\nOn your Knees slow fall!<br />\nCurl yourself into a ball!<br />\nRaise your head!<br />\nJump up high!<br />\nWave your hand<br />\nAnd say “Good Bye!”</p>\n<p>Can You?<br />\nCan you hop like a rabbit?<br />\nCan you jump like a frog?<br />\nCan you walk like a duck?<br />\nCan you run like a dog?</p>\n<p>Can you fly like a bird?<br />\nCan you swim like a fish?<br />\nAnd be still, like a good child,<br />\nAs still as you wish?</p>\n<p>My Hands<br />\nHere’s my left hand,<br />\nAnd here’s my right,<br />\nI can clap them<br />\nWith all my might.</p>\n<p>My Hands upon My Head<br />\nMy hand upon my head I place,<br />\nOn my shoulders, on my face,<br />\nThen I put them in front on me.<br />\nAnd gently clap: one, two, three.</p>\n<p>A Skipping – Rope<br />\nJump the rope,<br />\nJump the rope,<br />\nJump, jump, jump!<br />\nJump it high,<br />\nJump it low,<br />\nJump, jump, jump!<br />\nJump it fast,<br />\nJump it slow,<br />\nJump, jump, jump!<br />\nJump again –<br />\nOut you go,<br />\nJump, jump, jump!</p>\n<p>Stand up and Look<br />\nStand up and look around,<br />\nShake your hand and turn around,<br />\nStamp your feet upon the ground,<br />\nClap your hands and then sit down.</p>\n<p>Let’s Make a Circle<br />\nLet’s make a circle, big and round,<br />\nIt must be round, you know.<br />\nNow let us bow most to the ground,<br />\nThen up again, just so.<br />\nNext, place the right hand on your hip,<br />\nAnd now the left hand, so;<br />\nAll to the right must turn about,<br />\nNow running, let us go.</p>\n<p>Hands up! Hands to the sides!<br />\nHands down! Hands up!<br />\nWiggle, wiggle, wiggle your fingers as slowly as you can,<br />\nWiggle, wiggle, wiggle your fingers as quickly as you can,<br />\nPound, pound, pound your fists as slowly as you can,<br />\nPound, pound, pound your fists as quickly as you can.</p>\n<p>Pick up, put down, stand up, turn around,<br />\nClap left, clap right, clap up clap down,<br />\nLook left, look right, look up, look down,<br />\nTurn around, sit down, touch something… brown.<br />\nPut up your hands and touch your toes,<br />\nCross your fingers, hold your nose,<br />\nBend your knees and shake your head,<br />\nStamp your feet touch something… red!</p>\n', created = 1738396007, expire = 1738482407, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:c40542e3694aa6855a361cde9ffe6119' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 112.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '1:419bccd88203e39beffc318469f81c22' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p>Хабачкова Вікторія Іванівна<br />\nвчитель англійської мови<br />\nКуп’янської загальноосвітньої школи І – ІІІ ступенів №4 імені Героя Радянського Союзу М.Ф. Хімушина Куп’янської міської ради Харківської області</p>\n', created = 1738396007, expire = 1738482407, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '1:419bccd88203e39beffc318469f81c22' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 112.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:778c72842cfa7f1fe3e8c96c5a078df8' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p>Правила публікування на Методичному порталі: <a href=\"http://metodportal.com/node/1658\" title=\"http://metodportal.com/node/1658\">http://metodportal.com/node/1658</a><br />\n1.3. Мовою спілкування на Методичному порталі є українська.<br />\nПублікування матеріалів (статей, розробок уроків) мовою оригіналу (англійською, німецькою, російською, французькою і т.д.) дозволено з обов’язковим коротким анонсом українською.<br />\n=======================<br />\nВи здійснили декілька публікацій і майже усі з помилками та порушеннями.<br />\nЯкщо у Вас щось не виходить - спробуйте скористатися інструкцією: <a href=\"http://metodportal.com/node/2277\" title=\"http://metodportal.com/node/2277\">http://metodportal.com/node/2277</a><br />\nабо просто задайте питання.</p>\n', created = 1738396007, expire = 1738482407, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:778c72842cfa7f1fe3e8c96c5a078df8' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 112.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:0ced0ef91163b154994897597fd5f6ab' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p><a href=\"/node/4697\" title=\"Отримати до атестації сертифікат на підтвердження публікації\">Сертифікати Методичного порталу. Умови, правила та порядок замовлення</a></p>\n<p><a href=\"/sertif/reestr-e\" title=\"Реєстр електронних сертифікатів Методичного порталу. Отримати сертифікат до атестації швидко і безкоштовно\">Реєстр електронних версій сертифікатів</a></p>\n<p><a href=\"/sertif/reestr-p\" title=\"Сертифікат на підтвердження публікації на Методичному порталі (до атестації вчителів) з печаткою та QR-кодом поліграфічної якості\">Реєстр заявок друкованої (платної) версії сертифіката. </a></p>\n<p><a href=\"/node/2277\" title=\"\">Замовлення сертифіката (докладна інструкція)</a></p>\n<!--\n<a href=\"/node/5840\" title=\"\">Сертифікати Методичного порталу. Питання - відповіді</a>\n--><!--\n<a href=\"/node/5840\" title=\"\">Сертифікати Методичного порталу. Питання - відповіді</a>\n--><!--\n<a href=\"/node/5023\" title=\"\">Як роздрукувати електронну версію сертифіката</a>\n--><!--\n<a href=\"/node/5023\" title=\"\">Як роздрукувати електронну версію сертифіката</a>\n-->', created = 1738396007, expire = 1738482407, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:0ced0ef91163b154994897597fd5f6ab' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 112.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:84eb3e5574742c8fa4ae080a478ab36f' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p><img src=\"/sites/default/files/imce/user3/text200_2.png\" width=\"160\" height=\"34\" alt=\"Контакти\" align=\"right\" /></p>\n<!--\n<img src=\"/sites/default/files/imce/user3/text200.png\" width=\"160\" height=\"34\" alt=\"Контакти\" align=\"right\" />\n--><!--\n<img src=\"/sites/default/files/imce/user3/text200.png\" width=\"160\" height=\"34\" alt=\"Контакти\" align=\"right\" />\n-->', created = 1738396007, expire = 1738482407, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:84eb3e5574742c8fa4ae080a478ab36f' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 112.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '4:04fbaf38808e37531e5f41cb1149e028' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '1:3d838474a2bc6baf08bfee67e2aa320c' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<h2><a href=\"/user/register\">Зареєструйтесь</a>,<br />\n щоб мати можливість переглядати всі сторінки та файли,<br />\nпублікувати власні матеріали, отримувати <a href=\"/node/4697\">сертифікати</a>.</h2>\n', created = 1738396008, expire = 1738482408, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '1:3d838474a2bc6baf08bfee67e2aa320c' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 112.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '4:bd26d5c1b123463aee5dc0a31e4af1d5' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table './u7066_mpcom/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '4:e8645e480b910356631c73ddec803187' in /var/www/metodportal/data/www/metodportal.com/includes/cache.inc on line 27.

щоб мати можливість переглядати всі сторінки та файли,
публікувати власні матеріали, отримувати сертифікати.


Physical activity at the English lessons of primary school

It’s Fun
It’s fun to be this,
It’s fun to be that,
To leap like a lamp,
To climb like a cat,
To swim like a fish,
To hop like a frog,
To trot like a horse,
To jump like a dog.

Hands on your knees!
Put them behind you
If you please.

Touch your shoulders!
Touch your nose!
Touch your ears!
Touch your toes!

Raise your hands high in the air,
At your sides, on your hair.
Raise your hands as before
While you clap: one, two, three, four

Clap Your Hands
Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together. (Twice)
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,
Stamp your feet together. (Twice)
Spin, spin, spin around,
Spin around together. (Twice)
Move, move, move your fingers,
Move your fingers together. (Twice)
Dance, dance, dance a dance.
Dance a dance together. (Twice)
Sing, sing, sing a song,
Sing a song together. (Twice)

One, Two, Three…
One, two, three, hop!
One, two, three, stop!
Stand up!
Hands to the sides!
Bend left!
Bend right!
Bend your head!
Bend your knees!
Crow as tall
As a New Year Tree!
On your Knees slow fall!
Curl yourself into a ball!
Raise your head!
Jump up high!
Wave your hand
And say “Good Bye!”

Can You?
Can you hop like a rabbit?
Can you jump like a frog?
Can you walk like a duck?
Can you run like a dog?

Can you fly like a bird?
Can you swim like a fish?
And be still, like a good child,
As still as you wish?

My Hands
Here’s my left hand,
And here’s my right,
I can clap them
With all my might.

My Hands upon My Head
My hand upon my head I place,
On my shoulders, on my face,
Then I put them in front on me.
And gently clap: one, two, three.

A Skipping – Rope
Jump the rope,
Jump the rope,
Jump, jump, jump!
Jump it high,
Jump it low,
Jump, jump, jump!
Jump it fast,
Jump it slow,
Jump, jump, jump!
Jump again –
Out you go,
Jump, jump, jump!

Stand up and Look
Stand up and look around,
Shake your hand and turn around,
Stamp your feet upon the ground,
Clap your hands and then sit down.

Let’s Make a Circle
Let’s make a circle, big and round,
It must be round, you know.
Now let us bow most to the ground,
Then up again, just so.
Next, place the right hand on your hip,
And now the left hand, so;
All to the right must turn about,
Now running, let us go.

Hands up! Hands to the sides!
Hands down! Hands up!
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your fingers as slowly as you can,
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your fingers as quickly as you can,
Pound, pound, pound your fists as slowly as you can,
Pound, pound, pound your fists as quickly as you can.

Pick up, put down, stand up, turn around,
Clap left, clap right, clap up clap down,
Look left, look right, look up, look down,
Turn around, sit down, touch something… brown.
Put up your hands and touch your toes,
Cross your fingers, hold your nose,
Bend your knees and shake your head,
Stamp your feet touch something… red!


Хабачкова Вікторія Іванівна
вчитель англійської мови
Куп’янської загальноосвітньої школи І – ІІІ ступенів №4 імені Героя Радянського Союзу М.Ф. Хімушина Куп’янської міської ради Харківської області

Правила публікування на Методичному порталі: http://metodportal.com/node/1658
1.3. Мовою спілкування на Методичному порталі є українська.
Публікування матеріалів (статей, розробок уроків) мовою оригіналу (англійською, німецькою, російською, французькою і т.д.) дозволено з обов’язковим коротким анонсом українською.
Ви здійснили декілька публікацій і майже усі з помилками та порушеннями.
Якщо у Вас щось не виходить - спробуйте скористатися інструкцією: http://metodportal.com/node/2277
або просто задайте питання.


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