Користувацький вхід

Останні публікації

Focus on Vydranytsia

щоб мати можливість переглядати всі сторінки та файли,
публікувати власні матеріали, отримувати сертифікати.


Dear Readers,
You all know this English proverb : There is no place like home, so you will start exploring your native land. Sometimes we travel to far away countries in search of adventures, trying to find something unusual, enchanting, interesting or even magic. But you can find it somewhere very close to you. You just need 1to stand and stare', to look around, paying attention to the smallest details. You should discover the fantastic world around you.
You should listen to your Granny's life stories and keep them as a real treasure. They should be passed from father to son. You shouldn’ t neglect your history. You should value your native land and its traditions, its history and culture, you should help nature. It will give you energy to cope with life difficulties. Be proud of living in Ukraine! Enjoy the world around you and try to make it better !
Have a nice time !


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