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Розробка уроку з англійської мови "I have a pet"

щоб мати можливість переглядати всі сторінки та файли,
публікувати власні матеріали, отримувати сертифікати.


Topic I have a pet

• To introduce the grammar structure “ I have”
• To practice using new expressions.
• to revise the vocabulary on the topic “ Pets. Animals”
• to develop pupils’ reading, speaking, listening skill;
• to practice pupils’ communicative skills in pair work ;
• to teach pupils dialogue and monologue speech, pair work;
• to increase pupils' knowledge about domestic animals and pets.
• to extend pupils’ knowledge about animals;
• to develop pupils’ logical and critical thinking;
• to extend pupils’ knowledge of English as a foreign language;
• to increase pupils' motivation;
• to develop pupils’ communicative skills;
• to stimulate pupils’ thinking.
• to encourage children to know, respect and love their native land;
• to cultivate pupils’ love for native land.

Materials: Way in to English, letters, sounds, a poster of animals, cards with the words and animals, cards for pair work,a ball, the words of the song.

1. Greeting

T. Good morning my friends!
P. Good morning, teacher!
We’re all in our places,
With shining faces.
Good morning to you,
We’re glad to see you
T. Great! How are you?
P. We’re in a good mood.
Yes, it’s true.
We’re in a good mood!
And how about you?

2. Warming up
Phonetic drills

1) Letter- sound
- Look and say, which letters give these sounds. What animals do you know with this sound?

Rr [ r ] – rabbit,
Pp [ p ] – parrot,
S s [ s ] – snake etc.

2) Read the words and write their transcriptions
Cow [ k a u ], sun [ s ^ n ], pen [ p e n ], snake [ s n e i k ],
Dog [ d o g ] , cat [ k t ] , clown [ k l a u n ]

- Repeat after me
Cats say “miou – miou”,
Dogs say “bow – wow”,
Lions say [ r ] – [ r ],
Cows say [ m ] – [ m ] ,
Frogs say “croak – croak”,
Hedgehogs say [ f ]–[ v ], [ f ]–[ v ] .

3. Vocabulary revising
Game “ What picture is missing?”
- Two pupils go out to the board. Look at these pictures to remember all of them. One closes his eyes while another takes a picture. And the first one should guess what picture is missing.

4. Presenting grammar
1) Teacher show some pictures with animals and say “ I have a …(frog)”
Then the teacher gives pupils cards with animals

- Now you! Look at your cards and say what you have got

2) Dialogue speaking. Pair work.
- Ask each other, using the example :
What do you have?
I have a fish. And what do you have?
I have an elephant.

5. Listening and reading
- Open your books at page 30. Listen the song and follow it.

I have a cat
I have a cat, a little cat,
Kitty, kitty cat
I have a cat, a little cat
Kitty, kitty cat

Kitty,kitty cat
Kitty,kitty cat.
I have a cat, a little cat,
Kitty, kitty cat

6. Moving game

- Move as the animal but do not name it. Other children should guess what animal is this.
Example : -Is it a bird?
-No, it isn’t.
- Is it a frog?
- Yes, it is.
7. Speaking
Tell about your pets!
- Do you have a …fish?
- No, I don’t. I have a parrot.

- Do you have a …dog?
- Yes I have. And you?
- I have a dog too.

8. Summing up.
- How did you like the lesson?
What did you like the most?

Home assignment
Write 4 sentences according to the exercise 2 on page 28( PB )

Our lesson is over!
Have a nice day 


Голубнича Світлана Іванівна
вчитель англійської мови
Рокитнянської загальноосвітньої школи І – ІІІ ступенів №1 Рокитнянської районної державної адміністрації Київської області

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Для внесення редагувань є кнопка "Змінити".
Правила публікування на Методичному порталі: http://metodportal.com/node/1658

1.3. Мовою спілкування на Методичному порталі є українська.
Публікування матеріалів (статей, розробок уроків) мовою оригіналу (англійською, німецькою, російською, французькою і т.д.) дозволено з обов’язковим коротким анонсом українською.


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