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2025-03-03 10:24
2025-03-03 10:31

My Daily Routine. Відкритий урок у 5 класі

щоб мати можливість переглядати всі сторінки та файли,
публікувати власні матеріали, отримувати сертифікати.


My Daily Routine. Adverbs of Frequency

( 1 course )

The aims:
1. To teach pupils use Adverbs of Frequency in their speech
2. To train skills of monologic speech
3. To improve lexical knowledge on the theme
Equipment: tape-recorder, blackboard, cards

The procedure of the lesson

1. Introduction:

Greeting, announcing the topic of the lesson

2. The main part:

a. Time game ( pupils divide into two teams. one by one they take out cards with time written on them, each correct answer gets one point)
e.g. 2.15, 3.45, 5.05, 7.55, 8.00

b. Pupils are given short texts. One by one they read the sentences in the text and underline how often the main character of the text does something
( Henry Jones is a farmer. Every day, Henry wakes up at half past four in the morning and milks the cows. He usually finishes at about half past six. After that, he goes back to the farmhouse and has breakfast, then he always feeds the animals.
He has lunch at noon. At two o'clock, he goes to the field and works there until five. In the evening, he milks the cows again, then he goes back home and has a shower.
He sometimes watches TV before going to bed at about nine. On Saturday afternoons, he often goes to the local playing-field to watch the village team play football. Henry likes football a lot. On Saturdays, he rarely goes out and just relaxes. He says that he likes the way he lives and never feels bored.)

c. One by one pupils go to the blackboard and write down one Adverb of Frequency , for example usually, always, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom, never

d. Pupils answer the questions to each of the Adverb of Frequency written on the blackboard
e.g. What does he often do?
What does he always do?

e. Pupils listen to the tape and tick the correct answers
( CB Ex.12 p.37)

f. Pupils look at the sentences previously written on the blackboard
He is bored (never)
He feels bored (never)
They have to find the correct place of the Adverbs in the sentence.
Then alltogether we figure out the rule about the place of the Adverbs of Frequency in the sentence and pupils write it down into their vocabulary.

g. A game with sentences ( again pupils divide into two teams, each pupil of every team is given a sentence on the card where he has to put the Adverb of Frequency into the correct place, each correct answer gets one point)
e.g. We are late for school (rarely)
The bus arrives at 10am (usually)
He is rude with other people (never)
She does the ironing in the evening (rarely)
She is patient with pupils (always)
He feeds the dolphins in the morning (usually)
I go on a picnic in bad weather 9 (never)
They go jogging in the evening (rarely)
She gets up at 6 in the morning (often)
He goes to bed at 9pm (never)

h. Pupils prepare their monologic speech about their daily routine

3. Conclusion:

Count points, find the winner, pupils are given marks and homework.


Касьяненко Олена Олегівна


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