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Виконання граматичних вправ (Present Perfect)

щоб мати можливість переглядати всі сторінки та файли,
публікувати власні матеріали, отримувати сертифікати.


Topic: Урок граматики: Present Perfect.

Objectives: Practical: to teach pupils to ask general questions using the Present Perfect Tense.
to develop pupils listening and speaking speaking skill;
to practice pupils communicative skills in pairs and qroup work;
to practice using new words and expressions.
Developing: to develop pupils imagination
to stimulate pupils thinking
to develop pupils aesthetic tastes
Educative: to encourage pupils to know
to give pupils the opportunity to understand their wrongs
Equipment: Course book, tape castle recorder.
Procedure of the lesson
1. Greeting: Good morning dear pupils!
How are you?
2. Warming up.
T. Dear pupils, now I read the rhyme and then you read thyme aloud.
It was snowing, snowing.
It was falling on my heag.
It was falling on the groud.
It was falling all around.
It was snowing, snowing, snowing.
It was snowing really hard?
T. Is it snowing now?
T. Was it snowing yesterday?
T. Do you like snowy weather?
Main Part
T. Children look at the blackboard, today we`ll study Present Perfect.


she has Ved; V3

you have

T. We use the Present Perfect to talk about on action which happened in the past, without saying when it happened.
He is been in Spain.
Time adverbs used with the Present Perfect: ever, just, yet, already, for, since.
T. Today, we`ll study the grammar (Present Perfect + just) and we`ll listen the dialogue and today, we`ll read the dialogue.
Present Perfect + just
T. We use just in statements to show that an action finished only a few minutes earlier.
e.g. Have you packed your suitcase yet?
Yes, I`ve just packed it.
T. Children repeat the dialogue individually.
P 1.......................................
P 2.......................................
T. Let`s, read the words and expressions at ex. 14 and then you must make the sentences and read them in the pairs.
P 1. Have you packed our swimming costumes yet?
P 2. Yes, I`ve just packed them.
P 1. Have you found the tickets yet?
P 2. Yes, I`ve just found them.
Present Perfect + for / since
T. We use for express duration.
I`ve been here for five days.
T. We use since to state a starting point.
I`ve been here since Monday.
T. Let`s, divide into two teams.
Read aloud prompts such as those suggested below.
Teams take it in turns to add for or since. Each correct answer gets one point. The team with the most points is the winner.
Suggested prompts.
November, three months, last Sunday, 1959, two weeks, .......
T. November
Team A:P1 Since November
T. Three months
Team B:P1 for three months ...................
T. Now children you listen the dialogue and put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense and then you`ll read the dialogue in the pairs.
T. Pupils write the correct answers on the board.
P 1. have you been
P 2. Arrived
P 3. am staying.
Summing up: Today, we work very well.
Home task: WB ex.40, p.61 study the rule. Good bye.


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