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Доповідь та практичні завдання для проведення майстер-класу «Підготовка учнів 11 класу до ЗНО з англійської мови. Use of English»

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Доповідь та практичні завдання для проведення майстер-класу «Підготовка учнів 11 класу до ЗНО з англійської мови. Use of English» Slide 1
Dear colleagues!
Welcome to the Use of English Master Class!
I suggest that we share our teaching experience of cramming our students for independent testing and international exams. My field today is the Use of English, which I find the most complicated part of the test. I’m going to focus on the Multiple Choice Part, the one incorporated in Independent Testing for Ukrainian students. So let’s get started by studying the parts of Tasks 8 and 9!
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The curriculum of Independent Testing in English distinguishes two levels of English – B1 and B2 (for those who have studied English in an advanced level). B2 students can get all the 72 points as their maximum score both as their Independent Test Grade and their School Exam Grade. Every task is assessed for their Certificate of Secondary Education.
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B1 students, you know, can also get all the 72 points as their maximum score but only as their Independent Test Grade. As for their School Exam Grade, the whole Task 7 (items 33-38), and the second parts of Task 8 (items 44-48) and Task 9 (items 54-58) don’t influence B1 student’s grade. That certainly makes their task of getting higher school grades easier. Personally I was greatly surprised to get to know about such an updated assessment of 2019 Independent Testing.
Now let’s have a look at the 2019 Test. So Text 1 of Task 8 The History of the T-Shirt influences every student’s Certificate while Part 2 of the Vocabulary Task which is Bach, Beatles… and Maths? isn’t assessed for the School Certificate of B1 students. We’ve got the same here with Task 9. The Smartphone Case is scored for everyone but The Cabbies is classified as B2 level and is only scored for B2 students.
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So what should we, English teachers, do to help our students to be successful in doing such complicated tests?
The major advice here is First teach, then make your students do tests!
Among the areas of the language that should be practiced are
- Phrasal verbs
- Nouns, verbs and adjectives with prepositions
- Word Formation
And what not!
True, we sometimes have to cram all the necessary grammar and vocabulary intensively and make our students do test examples long before they are quite ready for that. Such resources for intensive learning as Oxford Exam Excellence will do their bit here! Greetings from Olha Oleksandrivna! She personally recommends using Oxford Exam Excellence with its extensive Use of English practice. And I just got some ideas from the course while preparing for this master class.
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Another useful suggestion is to encourage our students do test examples and then not only confirm their answers or correct them but also discuss the answers, explain some difficult things in simple words, ask them to define a word,or paraphrase a sentence or speculate on the idea! True, those clues can help them a lot! Please mind that the things we find easy and obvious can be too complicated and obscure for our students.
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My point today is to encourage our students to make more sentences of their own using the language in an appropriate way. You see doing tests is not just about selecting letters! It’s about making our students think critically and be aware of his or her own choice!
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Now let’s go on to practice! Let’s take the text Travelling Adventure, for example! You’ve got it in your pack.
Why do so many amusing incidents (39) __________ during train journeys?
39 39 A meet B occur C find D run

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Now we’ve come to what exactly my report is about! After the students have guessed the inserted word (or not), we can ask them to make correct sentences with every choice A, B, C or D like the following ones:
• Amusing accidents can happen or occur during train journeys.
• We can meet amusing people during train journeys.
• Most people find train journeys pleasant, sometimes even amusing.
• Buses run, trains run.

So, I remember the day when a ticket inspector entered the (40)__________ where six or eight commuters were sitting.
40 A cabin B wagon C compartment D salon
You know what I suggest to do! Let’s make more sentences!
• A ticket inspector could only enter the compartment! / I’m in my compartment on the train. / There are about 10 compartments in a carriage, I think.
• I’m in my cabin on the cruise ship.
• A wagon is another word for a cart or a van!
• I visit my favourite beauty salon on a regular basis.
• But! There’s also a billiard saloon and a saloon (in the meaning of a bar). The cowboy has just entered the saloon. There’s also a saloon on a ship.
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To check the knowledge of the Vocabulary of a certain text from the Use of English part, I often apply the following techniques:
I suggest my students to
1) retell the story trying to use the target vocabulary either in class or at home;
2) invent a similar story or recollect a story from their own life;
3) put down some sentences, using as many choices as they can;
4) read the text quickly without looking at the choices, keeping them in mind;
5) write down the sentences with the gaps highlighting the inserted word.
In fact, I’m sure I use a lot more techniques. My intuition usually tells me what to do in every particular situation.
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Now, what about learning grammar?
If your target is revising tenses, it should sound like this! Make sure that your students understand what you’re doing.
I. Tenses
I visit Japan every year.
The narrator visits Japan every winter.
But! Does the narrator visit Japan every winter?
The narrator visited Japan last year.
But! Did the narrator visit Japan last winter?
II. Now let’s revise - ing / - ed Adjectives.
Snow is guaranteed in Japan in winter. (by its climatic conditions, by its geographical location) Passive
The chief, guaranteeing my promotion, fired most of my colleagues yesterday. Active
The chief is guaranteeing my promotion.
III. Now, Derivation
Beauty (n) -- to beautify (v) – beautiful (adj) – beautifully (adv)
• Beauty will save the world. She’s such a beauty!
• Don’t beautify him!
• It’s a beautiful day!
• to manage the resorts beautifully
• The hotels are beautifully managed.

You can also ask students to derive other parts of speech from another noun like Danger, for instance.
Danger (n) -- to ________(v) – ________(adj) –___________ (adv)
• That’s a real danger!
• A lot of animals are endangered due to global warming.
• It’s such a dangerous trick!
• The river is dangerously dirty.
IV. Now, Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives
• The north island of Hokkaido is big. ( We’re talking about just one.)
• Hokkaido is bigger than Rusutsu ( Two islands are mentioned. We compare them.)
• Niseko is even bigger (than the previously mentioned one - Rusutsu ).
• And Japan’s biggest island is Honshu (It’s the biggest one of the 4 main islands and thus the biggest one of all the 6852 islands)

Now, let’s work in groups and practice developing ideas for the four choices in the Vocabulary test! Let’s take, say Item 45 or 47! Any, as you like it!
Wishing you every success with the Use of English Part! Thank you for your attention!


Гусєва Світлана Олександрівна


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