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План-конспект уроку на тему "A High-Tech Life. What are Pros and Cons?" в 10 класi

щоб мати можливість переглядати всі сторінки та файли,
публікувати власні матеріали, отримувати сертифікати.


 ознайомити учнів з новою лексикою та активізувати її вживання в мові, розширити знання учнів про комунікаційні технології та використання їх у повсякденні
 збагачувати словниковий запас учнів;
 практикувати учнів у читанні тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення та максимально повного й точного розуміння всієї інформації, що міститься в тексті;
 вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення;

 розвивати культуру спілкування й мовленнєву реакцію учнів;
 запитувати і надавати інформацію;
 вміти здобувати інформацію з текстів, висловлювати власні думки і припущення;
 розвивати в учнів увагу, пам'ять, кмітливість та мовну здогадку;
 виховувати самостійність, зацікавленість у вивченні іноземної мови, чіткість висловлення думки;
 виховувати ввічливе ставлення один до одного.

Метод проведення: розповідь, бесіда, пояснювально-ілюстративний, дослідницький.

Дидактичні матеріали: підручник, словник, картки із завданнями та запитаннями, роздатковий матеріал, фото із комунікаційними технологіями, презентацiя.
Міжпредметні зв’язки: українська мова, інформатика, основи роботи в Інтернеті, комп’ютерні системи та мережі.
Good afternoon, everybody! I'm glad to see you! How are you? Sit down, please.
Look at the blackboard. Are these things familiar to you?
На екранi з'являються зображення рiзниз гаджетiв

T: What are we going to speak about today?
Вiдповiдi дiтей

Name the new gargets you know
Учнi використовують прийом КЛАСТЕР

Т: You are quite right. There are a great number of technological appliances that make our life easier every day: computers, calculators, digital recorders, CD players, and all of the other gadgets that have become so commonplace. Without a doubt, many of these technological toys have become popular in your class and family. They can make our job and study easier, get us information faster, and keep us connected with friends and family.

T: Now I want you to answer some questions:

– What inventions are more important for people and what are less important?
– Can technology ruin the society or not?
– Are we too dependent on electric and electronic gadgets and machines?
– Which inventions are invaluable for you?
– Which inventions are junk for you?
– What piece of technology could not people live without?
– Why are they important for these people?

T: Try to guess some riddles:

1) What is it that does not ask questions but must be answered? (A telephone )
2) When I go, I do not speak. But when I stop, I lie. What am I? (A clock or a watch)
Do you know:
– That the oldest working clock in the world is in Salisburg Cathedral, England. It dates at least 1386.
– That the oldest watch is one made of iron by P.Hell in Nurnberg, Germany,1504. Now the watch is in the Memorial Hall, Philadelphia, theUSA.
T: Look at the items on the blackboard and match them to the notes (A-D). Then make sentences using appropriate linking words/phrases:

In my opinion…
For one thing…
For example…
Apart from this…
One reason … are especially useful is…
To sum up…
1) TV
2) Computer
3) CD
4) Mobile phone

– useful for both computer/music system –can store information easily
– long-lasting, high quality – the production improving all the time
– make calls from anywhere – vital to busy people
– especially useful in emergency (e.g. in car, traveling alone)
– essential tool in business – you can access data quickly
– contact with World-Wide Web – find out about almost anything
– learn about the world around you – get latest news, see places you can visit
– great entertainment – watch whatever/whenever you like, in the comfort of your own home
(Key: 1– D 2 – C 3 – A 4 – B )

Main part
T: You will be given parts of the scrambled text. You have to rearrange them in a logical order and then read the text.


A. An international group of psychologists has recently suggested that anyone who surfs the Internet for long period is clinically ill and needs medical treatment.

According to their report, Internet addicts should be treated in the same way as alcoholics, drug addicts, compulsive gamblers and people with eating disorders.

B. Understandably, his parents are extremely worried. Not only has his school work suffered, but Russel’s addiction has also destroyed his social life and his spare-time interests. For instance, he has just dropped out of his school’s basketball team in order to spend more time at his computer.

C. Instead of spending next weekend having a good time out with friends, he’ll be spending it indoors surfing the Internet. Russel has recently joined an Internet online support group. It may seem ironic that many of the support groups for the Internet addicts are online but at least Russel has sought help. Not everyone does.

D. Last week, in a private rehabilitation clinic outside Edinburgh, Loe Edwards, a sixteen-year-old schoolboy, was going through severe withdrawal symptoms. His body often shook violently and uncontrollably, and at mealtimes he regularly threw cups and plates around the dining room.

The boy’s addiction had nothing to do with alcohol, drugs, gambling or food. His problem was “Net obsession” – an over-dependency on the Internet.

E. Dr Ann Hoffman, who runs an online support groups, says, ‘People don’t realize that being online for more than four hours a day amounts to addiction and that they have a serious problem. I predict that the number of people who join online support groups will have risen dramatically within three years’.

F. Leo Edwards is not an isolated case. Russel Hopkins, aged fifteen, from Gateshead in northeast England, is a typical online addict. Every day after school dinner until three or four in the morning, he will be found in his room surfing the Net or playing computer games. By the end of the day he will have spent more than six hours online.

Key: 1-d, 2-a, 3-f, 4-b, 5-c, 6-e.


T: Answer the questions.

1. How did Leo respond to withdrawal from the Internet?

2. What do some psychologists compare Internet addicts to?

3. Is Russel a typical Internet addict?

4. What two things has he stopped doing?

5. What does Dr Hoffman predicts?


1. His body shook and he threw cups and plates around.

2. Alcoholics, drug addicts, compulsive gamblers and people with eating disorder.

3. Every day he surfs the Net after school and after dinner, until three or four in the morning.

4. He has stopped playing basketball and he does less school work.

5. That within three years a lot more people will join online support groups – there will be more Internet addicts.

Most people today cannot imagine their life without the Internet.
I believe it is one of the most important innovations. Thanks to the worldwide web, our lives have become easier and more exciting.
First of all, the Internet helps us find information easily. For example, we can read the news and find answers to the questions 24 hours a day.
In addition, we can use the Internet for entertainment. We can send e-mails to friends and shop online. We can even listen to the latest music and watch live sporting events from other parts of the world.
However, some people argue that the Internet has a negative effect on society. Internet users become less sociable. They stay at home most of the day instead of going out to shop, work and meet friends.
In my opinion, the Internet has more advantages than disadvantages. Our lives are better with it and I hope it is here to stay.

1. Most people nowadays
a) cannot live without the Internet
b) imagine their life without the Internet
c) live without the Internet
2. Thanks to the worldwide web, our lives have become _ .
a) difficult and more stressful
b) simpler and more interesting
c) easier and more stressful
3. The Internet is important mostly because _ .
a) it allows us to find information easily
b) it provides cheap shopping online
c) it plays the latest music hits
4. We can use the Internet for fun, as we can _ .
a) work on assignments
b) send e-mails to friends
c) read the news
5. The biggest disadvantage of the Internet is
a) that you have to go somewhere to work out
b) that you can’t live a normal life
c) that it can change our daily routines
6. The Internet has _
a) more disadvantages than advatages
b) more advantages than disadvatages
c) as many advantages as disadvatages

Grammar (Writing)
Choose the correct words to complete the text, a, b, c, or d.
If we (1) _ have microchips, we (2) _ have calculators, computers or laptops. These tiny chips are also called ‘integral circuit’ and they store huge amount of (3) _ .
The American Jack Kilby is considered the (4) _ of the microchip. He won the Nobel Prize for (5) _ in the year 2000 but actually created the first microchip as early as 1958.
The structures on microchips have become smaller and smaller.
They are now the size of atoms. There are almost a billion transistors on each square centimeter. If this technology didn’t (6) __ , we would be (7) __ to use everyday objects like mobile phones and microwave ovens.
1. a) wouldn’t b) hasn’t c) don’t I didn’t
2. a) don’t b) wouldn’t c) won’t I would
3. a) informations b) inform c) information d) informs
4. a) inventor b) inventive c) invention d) inventing
5. a) Physicist b) Physical c) Physics d)Physically
6. a) exists b) existing c) existed d)exist
7. a) can b) able c) could d)would
Keys: 1d, 2b, 3c, 4a, 5c, 6d, 7b.

Учням пропонується перегляд нового відеоролика, в процесi якого учні дають своє бачення про тенденції розвитку комунікаційних технологій в світі, аналізують хід своїх думок.
Вiдеозапис - Teens and Tech: The New Landscape (YouTube)
My friends, I am greatly satisfied with your work. For the next lesson I would like you to think about pros and cons of TV, cars and any household appliance. Try to make a short presentation about this item.
See you soon!


Коротюк А.А., вчитель англ. мови, КЗ "Технiчний лiцей", м. Кам'янське


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