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План-конспект уроку в 9 класі "Знання - це сила"

щоб мати можливість переглядати всі сторінки та файли,
публікувати власні матеріали, отримувати сертифікати.


План-конспект уроку в 9 класі (заключний урок в І семестрі) «Знання – це сила»
 Повторити й узагальнити вивчений лексичний та граматичний матеріал за І-й семестр, зробити висновки за пророблений етап роботи, підвести підсумки;
 Практикувати учнів у чотирьох видах мовної та мовленнєвої діяльності (аудіювання, говоріння, читання, письмо);
 Розвивати навики аудіювання, говоріння, читання та письма;
 Розвивати логічне мислення, творчу думку, уміння швидко орієнтуватися в непідготовленій мовленнєвій ситуації (монолог чи діалог), виражати і відстоювати свою думку;
 Виховувати самостійність, відповідальність за свої вчинки і подальше життя, творчість; націлювати учнів на те, що рівень навчання та якість знань залежать лише від них; продовжити прививати любов до книг, читання, виховувати естетичний смак, підтримувати позитивне ставлення до школи.
ТИП УРОКУ: Повторення й узагальнення вивченого матеріалу за І-й семестр
ВИД УРОКУ: Традиційний
ОБЛАДНАННЯ: Картки з граматичним завданням, текст для читання із завданням, картки із творчим завданням, трибуна, мікрофон, комп’ютер, проектор, мультимедійна дошка, аудіо запис, завдання для аудіювання, зведена таблиця знань «Сніговик», вчительська презентація, учнівська презентація, фонограма пісні «You love me like a love song» , учнівські плакати, постери.

 Greeting
Good morning!
I’m glad to see you too!
Greet our guests as well. Take your seats please.
How are you? Are you OK? Don’t you afraid (we have so many people here)?
Look at the blackboard please. You can see a smile. Do you like it? It is very funny, isn’t it? I hope it will help you to be in a good mood during the lesson. Be attentive and good luck!
 Warming-up
The more we learn, the more we know
The more we know, the more we forget
The more we forget, the less we know
The less we know, the less we forget
The less we forget, the more we know.
So why do we study?

 Theme, aim, motto, motivation
 Theme of the lesson is “Knowledge is power.” Our motto of the lesson is “Live and learn!”
 Aim: during the lesson we’ll:
 recognize and revise themes which we have learnt this year;
 listen to the text;
 read some information about one famous writer;
 speak and discuss different topics;
 review some grammar;
 listen to music;
 make a decision why we should study.

 School
 Listening comprehension

 Pre-listening activities – Speaking
Let’s have a talk. First of all I want to ask you about your school.
1. What school do you study at?
2. Is your school big or small?
3. How old is it?
4. How often do go to school?
5. Are there many classrooms in it?
6. How many lessons do you have every day?
7. Do you like school?

You have answered my questions but now I’d like to present you the audio text about school in England.
 Brainstorming (write about the subjects which you think will be useful in your future life, explain)
Listen to it and choose the correct item.
 After-listening activities
1. Bob writes about …
a) his school day
b) his favourite subject
c) his school
2. His school day begins at …
a) 9 o’clock
b) 9:15
c) 2 o’clock
3. The students … morning registration at 9:15 every day.
a) have
b) will have
c) had
4. He has tests in …
a) History
b) Maths
c) Physics
d) all the subjects
e) French
5. a) Bob doesn’t get homework.
b) Bob gets homework in all the subjects.
c) Bob gets homework in 2 subjects each day.
Check on brainstorming
 Writing comprehension

 Grammar (Clauses of Time and Condition – Future Action)
 Make groups

1) We'll go to the theatre
2) If you help me
3) When they have some news
4) He will give you the disc
5) If she puts on a warm sweater
6) They will pass the exams

a) if you ask him about it.
b) they'll phone us.
c) if she buys the tickets.
d) she won't be cold.
e) if they work hard.
f) I'll finish the report in time.

At the end of this theme you had a project work - to make a poster “My perfect school”. Here it is. Let’s recognize - one the steps of this work, you had to write the “Table of Rules” for pupils and teachers.
Do you remember them? Name please.
 Books
“Books and friends should be few but good”, says an English proverb.
“Except a living man there is nothing more wonderful than a book! It teaches us and opens its heart to us as a brother,” wrote Charles Kingsley, an English writer of the 19th century.
We’ll read the text about Agatha Christie, but before it I propose you to do several tasks.
 Answer the questions:
1) Do you like reading?
2) Why do you read?
3) What kind of books do you read?
 Now let’s see how well you know the vocabulary. The next task is to match …

1) A very old story about people and events long ago.
2) A set of events in a story, play, novel.
3) A particular kind of style of music, literature, painting.
4) A strong feeling, for example love or hate.
5) A person who writes poetry.
6) Stories or novels as a group.

a) an emotion
b) fiction
c) a plot
d) a legend
e) a genre
f) a poet

 Reading
Now you are ready to start reading. You have sheets of paper on the desks. There you can see the text on them. Please read it. Who wants to be the first?
 After-reading activities
Answer the following questions.
Before doing the conclusion on the theme “Books” let’s recognize what grammar you’ve learned. I hope you remember the rules of using of Reported Speech, don’t you? Well. Let’s see.
 Grammar cards.
1. “We are in the village”, Taras said.
2. “I have just had dinner,” he said.
3. “I want to study in Kyiv,” Vicky said.
4. “I am not going to buy any books,” Tim said.
5. “We have been to Kyiv for 3 days,” Megan said.
6. “I had a fantastic time on the river, Bob said.
7. “I am going to write some postcards,” Tina said.
8. “We won’t visit all the colleges,” they said.
9. “I am sitting by the river,” Ben said.
10. He said, “My parents aren’t pleased with my marks.”
11. Paul said, “We have prepared the project for the History lesson.”
12. We said, “We’ll send him an e-mail tomorrow.”
13. She said, “I always help you with your homework.”
14. They said, “We wrote the text yesterday.”
15. I said, “I’ll give you the answer tomorrow.”
16. He said, “I didn’t get any marks yesterday.”
17. Liz said, “I have just finished my report.”
18. Nelly said, “My sister will continue her education at the university.”
19. We said, “We will wait for you outside the theatre tomorrow.”
20. Patric said, “I can use the Internet.”

 But some pupils will have a more creative work – they’ll have to write about books and the importance or useless of them nowadays. I give advance you should have two opposite views. Read your tasks very attentively!
Let’s check up.
So, in conclusion I’d like to say that today there are many thousands of public libraries in Ukraine. Librarians are always ready to help people to find a book on any subject. We have one of your posters “The library rules”. Let’s revise them. What rules do you remember?
 Music
Ok. Now I want you look through the last theme of this semester. It was “Music”, wasn’t it?
 Speaking
• What is your favourite band or singer?
• What do you know about him/her/them?
• What is his/her/their music style?
• Why do you like him/her/them?

 And one problem question. Help me to do the right decision. Somebody says that old people like classic music, grown-ups like only jazz, country and blues, and teenagers should listen to rock only? Is it true? How do you think? What is your mind?

I know some pupils in the class have prepared something interesting.
 Boys want to present their favourite band. You are welcome.
 Girls have the answer for them and are ready sing a song of their favourite singer. Please.


 Summarizing

You remember our motto of the lesson was “Knowledge is power”. We go to school to get knowledge, because without them we can’t get success in life, we can’t be good specialists.
I want to read some more proverbs about knowledge, education:
1. It’s never too late to learn.
2. Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself.
3. Live and learn.
Look at the blackboard. You can see all the rules, topics, tasks you were learning and doing during the semester. Each of you has different possibilities for education, different marks but it’s your knowledge, your own ones.
And it’s a Magic wand. It’s your power – imaginary power of knowledge. In reality it’s here, in your heads. Try to do your best always!

 Marks
Well. It’s time to sup up our work at the lesson and put marks. And I have diplomas for some of you.
 Homework
I want to ask you to tell about your plans for winter holidays at the next lesson.
 Thank you for your work. I was glad to see you. Good-bye!


Савченко Віталіна Олександрівна,
вчитель англійської мови Чернігівської
спеціалізованої школи І-ІІІ ступенів "Надія"


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