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The contest for the pupils of the 5th form “The Best”

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The contest for the pupils of the 5th form
“The Best”

- формувати в учнів позитивне ставлення до співпраці у команді, почуття колективізму;
- формувати соціокультурну та комунікативну компетенції;
- розвивати в учнів пізнавальні та творчі здібності;
- виховувати позитивні моральні якості учнів, такі як терпимість та повага одне до одного, вміння слухати;
- виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови, до традицій народу та країни, мова якої вивчається;
- поширити кругозір учнів.

Обладнання: ноутбук, мультимедійний проектор, завдання для кожної команди, кольорова крейда, призи.

Хід роботи:

Привітання, оголошення теми та мети заходу.
Клас ділиться на 3 команди, в кожній з команд обирається Капітан. Команда придумує назву та девіз англійською мовою. Крім того кожна команда поділяється на 4 групи: Граматики, Знавці тваринного світу, Відгадувачі загадок, Актори.
Починається конкурсна програма, по закінченні якої підраховуються бали (які попередньо записувались на дошку) та визначаються переможці. Найкращі нагороджуються призами.

Main part
Task 1
Put the verbs in brackets into The Present Simple.
1 He ...........(go) to the cinema on Sundays.
2 They ..........(play) tennis on Mondays.
3 Paul ...........(think) Cher is brilliant.
4 Mrs Harris ........... (work) in a baker's.
5 Brian..........(hate) playing cards.
6 Mr Black ...........(teach) French in our school.
7 She..........(walk) to school every day.
8 Bill and Sam ...........(study) German at school.
9 We ............(enjoy) listening to pop music.
10 Ann..........(wash) her hair every evening.

Task 2
Put the verbs in brackets into The Past Simple.
1 He ...........(go) to the cinema yesterday.
2 They ..........(play) tennis on Mondays.
3 Paul ...........(think) Cher is brilliant.
4 Mrs Harris ........... (work) in a baker's.
5 Brian..........(hate) playing cards.
6 Mr Black ...........(teach) French in our school.
7 She..........(walk) to school every day.
8 Bill and Sam ...........(study) German at school.
9 We ............(enjoy) listening to pop music.
10 Ann..........(wash) her hair last evening.

Task 3
Write down the names of the animals, which live in the…
in the jungle,
in the forest,
in the zoo,
on a farm,
in a flat

Task 4
Solve the puzzles:
1. It is green. It lives in the water. It is small. It can jump and swim. (a frog)
2. It is brown. It is small. It lives in Africa. It can jump on the trees. It likes bananas. (a monkey)
3. It lives on the farm. It is big. It gives us milk. (a cow)
4. My color is green, I am from Africa. Have you ever me seen? (A crocodile)
5. I don’t know the ABC, but I am writing as you see. (A pen)
6. I have 4 legs, but I can’t walk. (a table or a bed)
7. Two brothers but they don’t see each other. (eyes).

Task 5
Let’s play! The play’s name is “English trail”. Who is clever? Who is smarter?
1. Who knows the names of 10 animals
2. Who knows the names of 10 sorts of vegetables
3. Who knows the names of 10 sport games
4. Who knows the names of 10 sorts of fruit
5. Who knows the names of 10 professions
6. Who knows the names of 10 things in the classroom

Task 6
Answer the questions as quickly as you can:
The capital of England is…
London stands on the river…
The symbol of England is…
The English flag is…
Ch. Chaplin was…
“Robinson Crusoe” was written by…
The biggest clock in London is…
Where is Trafalgar square?
How many seasons are there in the year?
What do people usually wear in hot weather?
What do people usually buy in shoe shops?
Who works in hospitals?
Which is bigger, a bear or an elephant?

Task 7
Pronounce as quickly as you can:
How much wood would a wood-chuck chuck, if a wood-chuck would chuck wood?
We’ll weather the weather whatever the weather, whether we like it or not.
Betty Botta bought some butter. But she said: this butter’s bitter.

Task 8
Act the poem:
This is the way the witches fly, witches fly, witches fly.
Swish, swish, swish!
This is the way the ghosts go by, go by, go by.
Ooh, ooh, ooh!
This is the way the black cats howl, black cats howl, black cats howl.
Meow, meow, meow!
This is the way the pumpkins laugh, pumpkins laugh, pumpkins laugh.
Hee, hee, hee!
This is the way the night owls cry, night owls cry, night owls cry.
Hoo, hoo, hoo!

Final part
Summary. Prizing the winners.
Sometimes you say “Hello!”
Because the bell has gone,
And every day you say
“Good day, good day, good day”.
It’s time to say “Good bye!”
Good – bye, my children, bye.


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